Transcending Fellowship

We are from the light returning to the light in order to be the light. This is why circles are important. We are naturally from, or better said, of the light -- created in the image and likeness. Let Us make man in Our image and likeness -- notice the plural pronouns. We are of the light, with or without faith and union; however, there is an intended measure of light reserved exclusively for the individual that says “yes” to mystical and transcending fellowship.

This particular individual is not just light in the sense of the way one is created, no, this mystical one understands that beholding is indeed the means of becoming and our status as those created like the light is a place to start, a foundation, as it were, that we launch from. We are to move from that initial created state into the pilgrimage we were sovereignly designed for.

We were born for union, and not just any union, but a union with the holy and transcendent yet mystically imminent triune God, and this union is the mother of fusion and that fusion manifests a fire, the fire of the beloved burning bride, and that fire brings a light both to us and through us that cannot and will not be hidden under a basket, but will be put on a lamp stand so that all may experience the illumination they are so desperately longing for.


Life was the Light


The Lens of Theosis