Life was the Light
In him was life and the life was the light of men and the light shined forth in darkness and the darkness could not extinguish it. How many years have eroded beneath us as we have through a systemic religious paradigm strived to manufacture light? A light that when we, have had any even impoverished measures of success, have foolishly applauded ourselves and then invited others to join our humanistic endeavors. Man made illumination has fundamentally failed as it relates to achieving the desired results within our culture. We are not shifting the culture, but rather we are now virtually indistinguishable from the darkness we have been called to shine upon.
One of the first things we learn through John’s glorious love letter is that Yeshua had a manifestation of life that as a very natural secondary consequence unleashed a measure of light that was both incomprehensible and inextinguishable. What if we have had the divine order reversed? What if the production of light was never actually to be the aim but rather the organic byproduct of a superior aim? Life was light not the other way around.
Results in the life of the believer were not intended to produce the fulfillment and the subsequent lifestyle, no, the lifestyle was to be so essentially peculiar that it -the lifestyle- was to become its very own authentic and radiant light source. Not another gimmick or program in hopes of manufacturing light, but a radical authentic headfirst dive into historic and authentic biblical Christianity. The man who yields to this singular pursuit emits a radiant light that is purely impossible to ignore in a culture filled with manufacturers of inferior light sources. In short, the radiant church can only exist in her predesigned state as a consequence of sons on fire experiencing historic measures of what Yeshua called life and life more abundantly.