The Kingdom Man

True success is not achieved.

True success is received.

Worldly men have faith in their work.

Kingdom men work out their faith.

Worldly men cause others to know their methods.

Kingdom men cause others to know their God.

The success of worldly men can be defined in certain observable methods-

methods that can be cataloged, emulated, and sold for profit.

The success of Kingdom men is attributed to only one thing:

that one thing is obedience to the spoken word of Yahweh.

And while that obedience may be manifested in observable acts,

emulation of those acts by others will never bring the hoped-for success.

Therefore, the Kingdom man’s success does not produce much in the way of a product

that can be marketed at great prices, bringing great wealth to the man.

But the Kingdom man’s success does cause glory to be given to Yahweh.

Worldly men base their success upon information-

information that can be cleverly edited to smooth away the rough edges-

cleverly packaged, advertised, and marketed in order to bring great wealth to its author.

Kingdom men know that their success is based upon

uncompromised obedience to a revelation from Yahweh.

True revelation is biting, sharp, provocative, challenging-

an ever-present threat to the status quo.

Therefore, Kingdom men are almost always

misunderstood, lonely, and rejected in their time-

most often remaining a voice crying in the desert.

They are recognized, honored, even revered-

but always by another generation, never their own.

Therefore, Kingdom men are content to be leaders of a remnant,

the keepers of the flame, the preservers of the seed,

the protectors of tomorrow’s Abrahams, Isaacs, Moseses,

John the Baptists, and yes, even the Christ.

No wonder that heaven and earth together cry out for

the manifesting of the sons of Yahweh.


The Lens of Theosis


A New Holiness Based on Beloved Identity