A New Holiness Based on Beloved Identity

I’m convinced that the next dimension of beloved identity will be the revelation of exclusivity. 

Not holiness that is attained, but holiness that can’t be denied. In times past, holiness was mentioned as a “standard” to uphold or a certain “lifestyle” of abstinence that would generate hunger from the outside discipline to an inward righteousness. 

But what do you do when righteousness isn’t an aim, but rather an endowment? What happens to holiness when the standard has been accomplished in Jesus? This is the hindrance to those who still see holiness on the merit system and not as the evidence of singularity.  

There is a vast difference in the man who tries to be holy for the fear of rejection and the longing that comes from the man or women has been pierced by the unquenchable fiery love coming from love. 

It’s not discipline that will deal with duplicity. The only thing that can deal with duplicity is exclusivity. Yielded is the only way you become a burning man that has no room for a “grace to sin”. If there is room to be something who he’s not capable of being, then you have yet to let his jealousy consume your inconsistencies. This isn’t works based, this is belief based, because each of us deal with the statement, “Lord I do believe, but help my unbelief.” Belief burns with longing and engages with a love that convinces even the most dysfunctional heart to know a greater flame than the selfish one. 

Holiness isn’t a brand to be maintained, but the result of conquered affections. There’s no room for sin, not because of perfection but from surrender. This isn’t a holiness that learns what to say or how to dress. This is a holiness that asks, “what pleases my beloved?” There is no form of holiness that bypasses the heart of transformation. That’s why this holiness carries no fear of punishment, because punishment to the burning heart is doing anything that is incompatible to the witness of his love. There is no fear of being right or wrong. There’s only a witness of near and far. A holy man has a one thing and obsession with no inward desire to break that union even for a moment. This type of longing measures by fire, not fear. 

Although a holy man is a cloud walker who is navigating by the wind of the whisper of His Spirit, he’s never carried by the counter winds of instability. There is no panic to get right, only to get near. The greatest storm a holy man will face is the one looking for his peace. This man given to exclusivity will face things that shake, but it never leads him to an unsettling. For a man convinced that he’s not only loved but in love, he will find a pillow in a storm and not a striving to survive. 

The gage for our lifestyle is His pleasure. We don’t manage a lifestyle for our pleasure. We give ourselves for his and it ends up being ours together. What I want, He wants more and what I don’t know that want, He freely gives. When you are in that degree of love, the archaic measurement of holiness being an exterior standard is a mirage at best. The real image of being engulfed in a holy love is not neatly packaged, it’s wildly unpredictable but completely dependable. 

I see a holiness that’s highlighted by laughter and fully convinced by peace. I see people that are not trying to escape, but discovering the path to remain. There is no desire to live incongruent to our life union with Jesus. These consumed ones declare, “if it doesn’t come from the fire of His eyes, it doesn’t get entrance to the tenderness of my heart.” There is no fear here, only trust. 

This form of holiness is offensive to the the religiously stagnated and is light to the misidentified who are looking for the way home. There is an embrace that comes with holiness, not a critique.  It’s a sacred embrace that will remind you of what your interior man truly longs for. This lifestyle is an oasis for the thirsty and a mirage for the imposter.  The man of mixture will only see holiness as a face to put on and not a face to become. We are those drawn into the Face to become apart of the Face that images beauty to the world. 

You are a city on a hill that cannot be hidden! 


The Kingdom Man


Prophecy to Alabama