New Creation Status
The regenerated man becomes both a principal witness as well as a force of provocation to the cosmos, thus compelling, by way of the man's own new creature status, the whole of the cosmos to enter fully into her new creation status. From here, a mystery begins to unfold. Let me explain. The Bible, and more specifically, Isaiah, teaches us what this new creation will begin to look like, as well as what the new creation will ultimately become.
Lion lays down with lamb, etc. The full and epic picture of this ultimate restoration now serves as a principal witness as well as provocation for the man as to what mankind's full restoration should look like. Notice the beauty of this back and forth dance between the creation and the sons of Abba, each provoking and summoning the other to become all that each has been designed to be. Not an ordinary man or a stale cosmos, but a living, dancing, glorious, and dare I say, tandem regeneration. The sons are learning not just how to live in the circle dance of perichoresis, but from that sacred and holy, positional inheritance. The sons are saying to the cosmos… May I have this dance?
And in that circle, both the sons as well as the whole of the created order are finally being liberated from their slavery to decay.